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推荐 | 2020-11-17 | 阅读:

  You forgot that thing you were supposed to do for your boss. And that favor you were going to do for a friend. Or even to pay that bill that was due.


Are you guilty of saying that you are going to do something and then don t because you forgot? Forgetting is not an excuse, it is a root cause of your productivity issues. Whether it is todos, appointments, obligations, or bills forgotten tasks often cause more work down the road.


Here are 10 Ways to Stop Forgetting Get More Done:


Set an Alarm We all have alarm clocks on our phones, yet few of us use them. Setting an alarm is the simplest way to remind yourself. Need to call that customer back by end of day? Set your alarm for 5PM. A simple alarm is the down and dirty way to jog your memory.


Put it On Your Calendar Calendars are often underutilized. Don t just make appointments for meetings, but also for tasks that you need to do. This not only reminds you, but has the added benefit of allotting time to get the work done.


Write it Down (on Your Todo List) - What do you put on your todo list? Many people only write down the big things. Ironically, the big things are usually pretty easy to remember. It is the small ones that you need to write down. Put it on your list that is what it is for.


Set a Reminder Alarms are great for one-offs. However, for regular or repeating tasks go ahead and set a reminder. For example, I have a reminder on my iPhone that goes off every Wednesday at 7AM to tell me to put the trash out. 9 times out of 10, I have already put it out. But, the few times I hadn t it worked like a charm.

设置提醒。闹钟对于一次性提示非常有效。但是对于定期或是重复的工作,就来设置一个提醒吧。例如,我在iPhone上设置了一个提醒,让它在每周三早上7点钟的时候提醒我丢垃圾,10次中有9次我都已经把垃圾丢了出去。但是也有为数不多的几次是我还没有去丢垃圾 这种提醒就像是个魔咒似的。

Do It Now, So You Don t Have to Remember Later This one sounds like cheating, but the best way to avoid forgetting a task is to do it immediately. When appropriate, do small tasks right then and there. If it is only going to take a few seconds or minutes Just Do It Now.

马上做,这样你就不用之后还要记着了。这一条看起来比较投机取巧,但是避免忘记一项任务最好的方法其实就是马上着手开始做。在适当的时候立马着手做一些小事情。如果这些事情完成只需要分分钟时间 那么现在就马上做吧。